Azomite® Volcanic Mineralizer…
The very best natural “rock dust” mineralizer available. It has over 65% bio-available silicon dioxide, about 5% potassium, around 3% calcium, 1% magnesium, 1% iron and a low 1% sodium. Plus over 70 trace minerals. Plus heavy metals are at levels less than most regular soils. It works like no other. Plus, it is O.M.R.I listed for organic production & organic gardens. We sell by the 44 pound bag, by the 2200 pound pallet (50 bags), or partial pallets, or 2000 pound totes. Call Dana at 386-837-3878 or Allen at 386-747-0567 for complete details about our huge inventory of three different formulations: Granulated, Slow Release, and Micronized….
Breaking News from The Grower 3/10/24:
“Forty-plus states OK Silicon Soil Amendment”
“More than 40 states have approved the use of CrossOver, a highly refined blend of calcium and magnesium silicate in pelletized form, as a soil amendment.”
This is good news as more and more people are becoming aware of the great value of available silicon for plants. Based on our years of testing, Azomite® vocanic pumice (with over 50% bio-available silicon dixide) works even better than this slag tye material.
Amending with bio-available silicon is especially important in sandy and muck type soils that have virtually no available silicon (sand is silicon oxide and is virtually unavailable). In the soil water solution and with beneficial microbial activity, silicon dioxide is converted to silicic acid. The silicic acid taken up by plants forms a gel between the cuticle and cell wall and between the cell membrane and cell wall. It also forms a silicaceous layer on the epidemis of leaves and stems. These layers act as a physical barrier and insulation to reduce water transpiration, increase cold hardiness, reduce fungal infections, and improve stresses from salt, drought, and heat. It also improves plant structural integrity and keeps leaves properly aligned with the sun for maximum photosynthesis (prevents “lodging”). Root metabolism and growth are also improved. Damage from nematodes is mitigated as well.
For more information on Azomite® volcanic pumice mineralizer, go to:……
Why Mineralize With Azomite®? Are our soils unhealthy & depleted of minerals? What has happened to our soils? Have you asked why your soils don’t produce like they used to or has someone asked you about problems with soils on their land? Do not be surprised that most farmers have asked this very question several times every year. Incredibly, in 1936 the United States Senate (74th Congress, 2nd Session) found that re-mineralization is the answer to this question. However, Congress was worried about the cost to remedy poor soil conditions, so the report was shelved and nothing was done except to recommend more nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium soil inputs. In 1992 The United Nations Earth Summit did a follow-up report to see if soils around the world were better or worse. This report showed every country had similar problems, but North American farm and range soils were the worst. The report stated that over the past 100 years North America lost 85% of the mineral content in the soil surface. This is a serious problem as plants need complete mineralization to be a healthy source of food for both animals and humans. Perhaps the problem of lost minerals is best summarized is by the late Dr. William A. Albrecht, former Chairman of the Department of Soils at the University of Missouri. Dr. Albrecht, also considered by many to be the father of soil science, said: “Declining soil fertility, due to a lack of organic material, major elements, and trace minerals, is responsible for poor crops and in turn for pathological conditions. In animals fed deficient foods from mineral deficient soils we get deficient food. This continues up the food chain – mankind is no exception.” Dr. Albrecht goes further to unequivocally lay the blame: “NPK formulas, as legislated and enforced by State Departments of Agriculture, mean malnutrition, attack by insects, bacteria and fungi, weed takeover, crop loss in dry weather, and general loss of mental acuity in the population, leading to degenerative metabolic disease and early death.” And “It is high time to learn that our national health lies in our soil and the guarantee against failing health lies in the wise management of the soil for production of nutritious foods.” So, what does all of this mean for the grower? Without all of the natural minerals in the soil we cannot grow healthy plants. It is no different than a plant under stress all of the time. Insect and disease problems will continue to become worse if growers do not start re-mineralizing the soil. Is re-mineralizing difficult to do? Fortunately, there is an easy and inexpensive solution with a material called Azomite®, a naturally-mined volcanic pumice that contains over 70 minerals that makes soil restoration easy. Have you, as a grower, seen new pathogens affecting your crop; have you experienced a loss in production, higher growing costs, and poor crop quality? Sadly, it is happening all too often with devastating results. Citrus groves treated with Azomite® and other good nutritionals are returning to profitable harvests even in “greening” infected groves. Not only are the groves returning to high production but costs have been reduced because fewer fertilizers and pesticides are needed. Now is the time to bring your crop back to a healthy and productive condition. Let’s stop the senseless practice of over-using toxic chemicals, which is killing mineralizing bacteria and other beneficial microbial life in our soils. The use of natural materials such as Azomite® facilitates healthy soil conditions where beneficial microorganisms out-compete pathogens and make growing a profitable crop much easier. Without life-giving microbes in the soil we are in trouble. These microbes contribute to the release of minerals to our crops, the build-up of organic matter, and protection from pathogenic fungi. Complete and balanced mineralization, adequate organic matter, and proper soil moisture are necessary ingredients for healthy, living soil with healthy, beneficial microbes. Healthy, properly mineralized soils grow highly nutritious plants that do not suffer from “hidden hunger”. Azomite® not only alleviates hidden hunger by supplying all elements necessary to plant and animal health, it also supplies a high level of bio-available silicon (as silicon dioxide unlike the silica in sand which is silicon oxide), a macro-element that is deficient in sandy and “muck” type soils. Silicon is of great importance in plant metabolism (second only in importance to carbon), building a sturdy plant, preventing “lodging” (leaf drooping), and reducing stresses from environmental factors such as drought, heat, and freezes. Also, Azomite® contains over 5% potassium, almost 3% calcium, and almost 1% magnesium, making this natural material much more than a great source of trace minerals. Indeed, Azomite® is one of the best materials available to transform soil and plant health, and the health of animals and humans. Depending on the crop and complete soil and tissue analysis, you may have to add is some additional fertilizer elements at lower rates than before applying this OMRI approved, naturally mined material. We all win with natural soil re-mineralization with Azomite®. Reseach to Support the Value of Azomite:”Response of Citrus to Silicon Soil Amendments”Abstract:”Silicon (Si) is a basic mineral forming element and a beneficial nutrient for higher plants. Fertilization with soil amendments containing chemically activated Si has an effect on physical and chemical soil properties, including increased soil exchange capacity, improved water and air regimes, reduced Al [Aluminum], heavy metal and organic pollutant toxicities, optimized pH level of soil, and maintenance of nutrients in plant-available form. Improving plant Si nutrition has been shown to reinforce plant protection properties against diseases, insects, and other unfavorable conditions. Improving Si nutrition also aids in the initiation of the root and fruit formation in higher plants. The object of this investigation was to determine the response of citrus growing in South Florida to a Si soil amendment consisting of Ca-Mg slag. Both field and greenhouse experiments were conducted. A comparative study was made of Si compounds in the soil and of the Si status of citrus leaves. The resulting data showed that sandy soils are low in biogeochemically active Si. A relationship was determined between the soil Si status and the leaf Si content and also tree vigor of ‘Valencia’ orange [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck]. Optimization of Si nutrition was resposible for a significant increase in the mass of roots and green mass of germinated ‘Marsh’ grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf.) seedlings.” Matichenkov, V., Bocharnikova, E. and Calvary, D. 2001. Response of Citrus To Silicon Soil Amendments. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 114:94-97. Also of note in the investigation sited above (page 96):”Low temperature is one of the most important factors affecting citrus production (Jackson, 1991). The largest statistical significant positive resonse shown in Tables 3 and 4 for 3-month-old grapefruit seedlings for mean weights of both roots and plants was for low temperature stress and 8 t [tons] of silica slag ha [without NPK]” (In other words the greatest improvement in response of the silicon treated young grapefruit trees contrasted to the control was under low temperature conditions.)”Field study. The application of [product name]silica slag to young ‘Valencia’ orange trees significantly increased both the total tree height and the length of the tree branches [reference to a table]. The silica slag application increased tree height from 14 to 41% and accelerated the growth of the tree branches from 31 to 48% over a 6-month period [reference to a table]. The silica slag application increased tree height from 14 to 48% over a 6-month period. The growth rate increases were consistent with those obtained by Wutscher (1989)* in Si rate studies with young citrus trees.”*Wutscher, Heinz K. 1989. Growth and mineral nutrition of young orange trees grown with high levels of silicon. HortScience 24:275-277. Quality Green Location and Mailing Address:Quality Green Specialists, Inc., 1639 N. Spring Garden Ave.DeLand, FL 32720. Driving Directions: We are located in the beautiful “Tree City” of DeLand, Florida in the northwest part of the city. From Interstate 4, take S.R. 44 toward DeLand to the west. Drive just past the beautiful and historic downtown and turn right or north on Spring Garden Ave. (Hwy. 15-A) and you will find us on the right (east side) at 1639 North Spring Garden Avenue, DeLand, FL 32720 (at the corner of Greens Dairy Rd. on the right). From the south, take U.S. Hwys. 17-92 to DeLand, then take a left on Spring Garden Ave. (Hwy. 15-A). From Pierson and DeLeon Springs, take U.S. Hwy 17 south to DeLand, then bear right on Spring Garden Ave. Drive about 2 miles and we are on the left on the corner of Greens Dairy Road and Spring Garden Avenue. Our store hours are 9 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Monday – Saturday: Contact Us Today for Answers to All Your Horticultural Needs: Dana Venrick: 386-837-3878 Email: Allen Day: 386-747-0567 Email: Store Phone Number & Fax (Call us first before faxing): 386-734-8000.
For more information about Azomite®, go to: